This walk-behind spreader provide a wide and smooth distribution of fertilizer while reducing the necessary time, energy and fertilizer to cultivate your lawn.
- Ideal for salt, fertilizer, seed, sand or any free flowing material.
- Solid control linkage to eliminate sticking and stretched cables.
- Includes Hopper screen & Rain cover. Hopper Screen to prevent material to prevent unwanted clumps.
- Rain cover to protect hopper for all season use, and prevent materials from getting wet and clogging. 
- Durability and long life: Features heavy duty steel frame, durable aluminum gear inside of gear box, and zinc plated axle to prevent corrosion. 
- Vertical plate and hardware in the hopper is made of stainless steel.
- Rate setting control on handle for precise adjustments.
FIS30WB |  FIS40WB | FIS60WB |